Daisy: Our Rock Of Love

By SuperSpy 

We think that Jack Daniels should hop on Daisy, Oscar De La Hoya’s niece from Rock of Love 2‘s train. The pic above comes from the TK MySpace page and she swears all the powder is flour.

Here is our thinking – Jack Daniels should launch a grimy, gritty, wrong side of the tracks brand campaign for the millennials. Um, sans white powder, but you get the idea. It would be on the down low. Hey, the Wall Street bankers will never know the difference. Look, we know that the brand is having a very good year. International markets continued to drive sales for Jack Daniel’s this year, with quarterly growth in the mid-single digits compared to a low-single-digit increase in the United States. Ah, the U.S., right. Pull out Daisy, dudes. Pull out some other bad ass apples (male and female, please) and shake up our civilized lives. Create a little exclusivity, an event, mobile game type thing. Don’t be shy. Play off the gloomy recession and light up the night. Forgo broadcast and bypass the print. We’re already dreaming of a sick campaign where this all makes sense, but alas… we’ll leave it in our arsenal. We don’t get paid to do the heavy lifting.


Damn. Girl is clearly meant to be bad.

