Cute Girl Asks Men to Buy Her Tampon, Which is Just Awkward

By Matt Van Hoven 

So this might be a little beyond the “fresh” stage but it’s a good look at something every man out there can relate to: the uncomfortable twinge of anxiety that shoots up his spine when faced with buying tampons for someone. Even a cute girl.

When you boil it down, there is nothing gross or weird about it. At all. In fact, buying your lady (or, “a” lady”) tampons might get you laid, in a week or so*. But that don’t matter sista, because there are some products that will always be awkward to buy. Like hemorrhoid cream, condoms, and any other product designed for the anus, penis, testicles or vagina. And boobs, sometimes, like lingerie or breast pump parts.


So whatever, JWT, you proved your point. All this blogging has my butt chaffed (hint: never sit in a chair for 8 hours a day for 2 years). Mind picking me up some prep-H? Didn’t think so.

*I thank you.

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