CU to Take on BYU in AdFight Smackdown

By Erik Oster 

This past September, Brigham Young University challenged the University of Texas to an “AdFight.” When the University of Texas backed out, Brigham Young University challenged Colorado University, and now CU is letting BYU know that it’s totally on with the above video and accompanying website, which the Denver Egotist reports “students of the senior Portfolio Ad Class at CU — taught by Barrett Brynestad and Austin O’Connor” launched yesterday.

The AdFight will take place over a three day period, from briefing to presentation, although many details still need to be worked out. Date and time are still to be determined, but the schools hope to get “get a hypothetical brief from an agency, and be judged by a panel of CDs and other industry professionals.” We’ll be interested to see how this one plays out. Let the AdFight smackdown begin.
