Cramer-Krasselt Takes The Sausage

By SuperSpy 

Cramer-Krasselt has won the Johnsonville Sausage account. I am so tempted to make some dirty joke, but I shall, I must refrain. The new creative for the brand will launch in 2009 and media duties are with Campbell Mithun.

The C-K Wikipedia page has a curious notation: “Another pop culture contribution beyond commercials is stealth disco.”

Stealth disco
“refers to the act of being videotaped dancing or rocking out behind or near someone who is doing something serious and does not notice.” According to Wikipedia: “The term, if not the activity, was invented by employees at Chicago advertising agency Cramer-Krasselt, circa 2003.”


Oh, word? Right. Forgot all about this. In case you did too, check the video above. It’s so much more interesting than this sausage win.
