CP+B, Domino’s Offer ‘Emoji Literacy Support’

By Erik Oster 

Following its Titanium Grand Prix-winning  emoji ordering system for Domino’s, CP+B has doubled down on emoji advertising with an “Emoji Literacy” campaign for the chain.

A new faux PSA explains the initiative with testimonials from a couple of parents who have trouble communicating with their emoji-loving kids. “I just replied ‘brb’ and hope they don’t text back,” admits the father. But CP+B and Domino’s offer help with the brand’s emoji flashcards, available for free at emojiliteracy.com. With enough practice on Domino’s site, you may even be able to decipher these. The goofy effort solidifies the connection between Domino’s and the emoji trend brands can’t seem to get enough of, although it’s hard to imagine it will help selling their food.
