Celebrate Memorial Day By Sending Anonymous Tweets from God

By Bob Marshall 

Deeply religious people, rejoice! You now have something new to complain about.

From SF-based freelance art director Marcus Brown and W+K NY copywriter Nick Kaplan comes “Tweets from God,” a way to prank your friends by sending anonymous tweets from the alpha and omega, God. All you have to do is enter in the Twitter handle of the person you wish to message, write them something that will make them feel momentarily guilty about a crime or minor sin, and click “Do It.” Your victim will then receive a tweet from @Tweets_fromGod and have no way to tell who it’s actually from.


Thus far, the Tweets from God Twitter feed has been pretty PG-rated, with most messages along the lines of “I saw that.” But, surely you creative ad types can take it to the next level. I mean, these are anonymous tweets we’re talking about, so you can say pretty much anything and get away with it. Visit the Tweets from God website here to get started, and wonder how the owners of the Twitter handles @TweetsFromGod, @God and @TheTweetofGod will feel about this.
