Big Spaceship CEO Gets ‘Best Voicemail Ever,’ Firstborn Gets a ‘Wake Up Call’

By Bob Marshall 

So, we don’t know who the guy calling up Big Spaceship CEO Michael Lebowitz is, or what exactly he wants other than to give a motivational drunken-sounding speech. But, Lebowitz found the call so endearingly odd that he felt inclined to post it on his blog in its entirety. The prank caller certainly knows Lebowitz, as he describes Big Spaceship’s job as “taking money from the young people. You get it from them, and then you give it to the corporations.”

A similar prank phone call was also sent to Firstborn, with the caller praising the company’s name before he begins to tear apart CP+B. “It’s better than Crispin Porter and Bogusky,” the mystery man says. “I guess names don’t really matter in advertising, because that name sucks dick.”


Ouch. Listen to both calls here.
