Australian Creatives Poke Fun at Your Least Favorite Agency Trends

By Patrick Coffee 

Want to watch a few top creatives at Australian agencies have some straight-faced fun at the expense of current industry trends? Sure you do.

Yes, the video is a little long–but it does manage to allow CCOs and ECDs from Ogilvy, BBDO, JWT, etc. to get some camera time and drop a few inside jokes.

Of course, it’s all about promoting a Creative Fuel conference in Sydney next month, at which speakers like R\GA founder Bob Greenberg will apparently encourage agency professionals to “cut the bullshit and refocus on creativity.”


Still, “The World’s First Crowd Sourced 3D-Printed QR Code Live Streamed Via Go Pro To A Smart Phone Or Tablet Device Drone Delivery Ticket System Project” almost sounds believable, doesn’t it?

If you’re really pressed for time, skip ahead to 4:00 for a bit of light slapstick.
