American Apparel: Now Totally Topless

By Bob Marshall 

2010 nearly drove alleged pervert Dov Charney and his company, American Apparel, into total financial ruin. With the company still teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, Charney and his crew are sexing up their already super sexed up print ads, with the one above offending people due to its depiction of bare breasts and exposed nipples (NSFW version here thanks to Australia).

That’s not all. The company is producing another ad this month which prominently displays pubic hair, causing even more of an uproar. Is this just American Apparel’s raunchy, last dying breath trying to get people to buy their basic, well-fitting but overpriced clothing before they’re gone forever? If you’re wondering why the Twitterverse and media is referring to the above ad as “creepy” above all else, breaks down what could be a private photo session turned into a national ad campaign. Check out the full ad after the jump.

