Agency Rebrand: WhittmanHart Becomes Band Digital

By Michael Musco 

WhittmanHart officially changed its name to Band Digital. The decision to rebrand was made as a response to the increased industry demand for connection-based digital marketing initiatives. The new brand also unhitches from the legacy of the WhittmanHart name, allowing the agency to embrace a new and more reflective identity.

Band Digital as it’s known now flaunts a connection-based marketing model for brands such as Harley-Davidson, AT&T and Frederick’s of Hollywood, as well as a roster of pharmaceutical brands that include Novartis and Genentech.


In a statement, David Skinner, CEO of Band Digital says,“For years, our approach to digital marketing has been rooted in creating connections between people and brands that result in action and loyalty, yet, we all knew that the WhittmanHart name didn’t do much to encourage or grow this idea in or outside the agency. This rebrand is the culmination of months of effort to align our identity with our purpose.”

More: Rhino Re-brands as Gravity
