A Bike Has MS in Grey Australia’s PSA for the MS Melbourne Cycle

By Erik Oster 

“This is a terrible bike to ride,” begins the voiceover in Grey Australia’s PSA spot for the MS Melbourne Cycle, going on to name its unpredictable gears, off-balanced frame and numb brakes as reasons the bike is subpar. Then the spot reveals the reason for the bike’s maladies: “This Bike Has Multiple Sclerosis.”

The ad tackles the invisible nature of the autoimmune disorder by presenting the seemingly-normal bike suffering from all manner of defects. Grey worked with Paralympian gold medalist Carole Cooke, neurologists, physiotherapists, bike mechanics and people living with MS to create a bike that would help people better understand the condition. It’s an odd personification, but one that works to show the invisible but debilitating disease and how it causes the body to malfunction. Hopefully, Grey’s campaign can help viewers understand multiple sclerosis just a bit more, raising awareness for the disease and for the MS Melbourne Cycle in March. 
