72andSunny Lays Off Two Percent of L.A. Office

By Erik Oster 

72andSunny has confirmed tips we’ve been receiving regarding a round of layoffs at its Los Angeles office. According to the agency’s statement, the L.A. office will be the only one impacted and the cuts don’t appear to be connected with any account changes but rather allow the agency “to continue to focus on…overall, long term health as a robust, modern agency moving forward.”

Here’s the statement from 72andSunny:

“Today we are parting ways with 2% of the staff in our LA office. No other office will be affected and we don’t foresee any additional adjustments. This is something that we take very seriously and saying goodbye to friends and family is extremely hard. We are deeply committed to everyone here at 72andSunny and this adjustment allows us to continue to focus on our overall, long term health as a robust, modern agency moving forward.”

